
Tennessee Waltz钢琴简谱-Patti Page演唱

2022-12-15 0

是美国一位有名的传统流行音乐女歌手Patti Page的歌曲。她生前售出超过一亿张唱片,在1950年代更是最畅销的女歌手。她的绰号是“The Singin' Rage”(意指歌唱中的狂飙),往往紧随其英文名“Miss Patti Page”以取其谐音。

Tennessee Waltz(“田纳西华尔兹”)在1950年灌录,除了是20世纪最畅销的单曲之一以外,也是田纳西州九首官方州歌的其中一首。“Tennessee Waltz”在1950年发行时,更连续13星期高踞《Billboard杂志》畅销排行榜第一位。

歌词下方是Tennessee Waltz钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。

Tennessee Waltz歌词:

I was dancin' with my darlin' to the Tennessee Waltz

When an old friend I happened to see

I introduced her to my loved one and while they were dancin'

My friend stole my sweetheart from me

I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz

Now I know just how much I have lost

Yes, I lost my little darlin' the night they were dancing

The beautiful Tennessee Waltz

Yes, I lost my little darlin' the night they were playing

The beautiful Tennessee

They were playing the Waltz on the night I lost my love

WALTZ(35) Page(8) Tennessee(5) Patti(5)

