
Peaches钢琴简谱-Justin Bieber Daniel Caesar Giveon演唱

2022-12-13 2

是Justin Bieber联手Daniel Caesar与Giveon一同合作的单曲。收录在第六张录音室专辑Justice中。

Peaches是一首以alternative R&B音乐元素为主的POP。全曲以R&B贯穿始终,搭配电子合成器的细腻演绎使得整体节奏慵懒但不拖泥带水,柔和治愈,犹如与伴侣漫步于海风拂面的西海岸沙滩。开头看似松散的旋律,配合Justin沙哑男嗓犹如一封告白情书,甜蜜且大胆地诠释着爱与永恒。副歌Daniel柔滑细腻的浅吟低唱,犹如泉水般甘甜且丝滑,Giveon洒脱自信的深情吟唱,犹如白兰地酒般热烈且忘我,烘托出一种迷幻且宏大的氛围。结尾在Justin随心的演绎和细碎的乐器演奏中缓缓度过,犹如在西海岸沙滩放慢脚步停下休息。


I got my peaches out in Georgia

Oh yeah s**t

I get my w**d from California

That's that s**t

I took my chick up to the North yeah

Bada*s b***h

I get my light right from the source yeah

Yeah that's it

And I say oh


The way I breathe you in


It's the texture of your skin

I want to wrap my arms around you babe and never let you go

And I say oh

There's nothing like your touch

It's the way you lift me up

Yeah and I'll be right here with you till the end

I got my peaches out in Georgia

Oh yeah s**t

I get my w**d from California

That's that s**t

I took my chick up to the North yeah

Bada*s b***h

I get my light right from the source yeah

Yeah that's it

You ain't sure yet

But I'm for ya

All I can want

All I can wish for

Nights alone that we miss more

And days we save as souvenirs

There's no time I wanna make more time

And give you my whole life

I left my girl I'm in my Yorker

Hate to leave her call it torture

Remember when I couldn't hold her

Left her baggage for a mover

I got my peaches out in Georgia

Oh yeah s**t

I get my w**d from California

That's that s**t

I took my chick up to the North yeah

Bada*s b***h

I get my light right from the source yeah

Yeah that's it

I get the feeling so I'm sure

Hand in my hand because I'm yours

I can't I can't pretend

I can't ignore you're right for me

Don't think you want to know just where I've been no

Don't be distracted

The one I need is right in my arms

Your kisses taste the sweetest with mine

And I'll be right here with ya till end of time

I got my peaches out in Georgia

Oh yeah s**t

I get my w**d from California

That's that s**t

I took my chick up to the North yeah

Bada*s b***h

I get my light right from the source yeah

Yeah that's it

I got my peaches out in Georgia

Oh yeah s**t

I get my w**d from California

That's that s**t

I took my chick up to the North yeah

Bada*s b***h

I get my light right from the source yeah


I got my peaches out in Georgia

Oh yeah s**t

I get my w**d from California

That's that s**t

I took my chick up to the North yeah

Bada*s b***h

I get my light right from the source yeah

Yeah that's it

I got my peaches out in Georgia

Oh yeah s**t

I get my w**d from California

That's that s**t

I took my chick up to the North yeah

Bada*s b***h

I get my light right from the source yeah

Yeah that's it

Justin(140) Bieber(96) Daniel(22) Peaches(7) Caesar(6) Giveon(4)

