
I Lived钢琴简谱-OneRepublic演唱

2022-12-12 0


Native处处充满多样融合与对比的创意:在销售所得捐给关怀儿童权利组织「Save The Children」的单曲"Feel Again"中邀请危地马拉的孩童参与合唱,细腻揉合了福音风格的旋律,流露着手打拍子般整齐划一的和声,书写着关于救赎的歌词,是一首震撼心弦的作品;在碰触黑暗主题的歌曲"If I Lose Myself"中,乐团藉由宏伟的音乐氛围来堆砌情感的动能,同时也选择以耀眼夺目的舞曲节奏来掩护较为忧郁的歌曲主题。专辑中多首满载着快乐能量的歌曲也各具特色,像是创作灵感源自于披头士名曲"Hey Jude"的"Something I Need"拥有激起乐迷齐声高唱的副歌段落,至于"Life In Color"则是透过飞驰快感的鼓击节拍与暖色调的合成器音色与Ryan Tedder宽广的唱腔来酝酿情境。Ryan表示Native是一张非常摩登的专辑,是一张2013年的生活快照,专辑中的歌曲有关生死、爱、希望、绝望、信念、失败,包含了所有的人类情感,试着在没有说教色彩的情况下为歌词增添一点份量,做出一种能够与人们产生链接的音乐。

同时,网站还为大家提供了OneRepublic的另一首歌曲《Counting Stars》的曲谱下载

I Lived歌词:

Hoping you take that jump

But don't fear the fall

Hope when the water rises

You built a wall

Hoping the crowd screams out

Screaming your name

Hope if everybody runs

You chose to stay

Hope that you fall in love

And it hurts so bad

The only way you can know

Is give it all you have

And I hope that you don't suffer

But take the pain

Hope when the moment comes

You say......

I, I did it all

I, I did it all

I owned every second

That this world could give

I saw so many places

And things that I did

Of every broken bone

I swear I lived

Hope that you spend your days

But they all add up

And when that sun goes down

Hope you raise your cup

I wish that I could witness

All you drawed

And all your pain

But until my moment comes

I'll say...

I, I did it all

I, I did it all

I owned every second

That this world could give

I saw so many places

And things that I did

Of every broken bone

I swear I lived






Of every broken bone

I swear I lived

Of every broken bone

I swear I lived

I, I did it all

I, I did it all

I owned every second

That this world could give

I saw so many places

And things that I did

Of every broken bone

I swear I lived



I swear I lived




I(531) OneRepublic(52) Lived(1)

