
What Now钢琴简谱-Rihanna演唱

2022-09-30 2

《What Now》是Rihanna专辑《Unapologetic》中的收录曲。

《Unapologetic》发行首周荣登Billboard 200榜首,美国方面首周销量达238,949张,本次专辑是Rihanna迄今为止第1张Billboard榜的冠军专辑。

蕾哈娜(Rihanna)来自加勒比岛国巴巴多斯,是欧美乐坛著名流行女歌手、演员和时尚女星,在全球多个国家享誉盛名。也是21世纪以来全球销量最高的歌手之一,在Billboard Hot 100榜上拥有12首冠军单曲,是Billboard榜单52年历史上最快达到该成绩的个人歌手,也是Billboard 官方评选2010年代最佳艺人。Rihanna同时是多座格莱美奖、全英音乐奖、MTV音乐大奖获得者,2次获得MTV年度录影带大奖,成为女歌手之最。出道至2013年已发行了7张白金专辑和多支全球热门单曲,被视为未来世界流行乐坛天后宝座的强有力竞争者。Rihanna也是家乡巴巴多斯的流行文化代表和旅游大使,是这个国家的“国宝级”人物。巴巴多斯也将每年的2月20日定为“蕾哈娜日”。2012年获“福布斯全球百位巨星排行榜”上名列第4,影响力和人气稳居新生代前列。

歌词下方提供了What Now钢琴谱,欢迎大家使用。

What Now歌词:


I've been ignoring this big lump in my throat

I shouldn't be crying

Tears were for the weaker days

I'm stronger now or so I say

But something's missing

Whatever it is, it feels like it's laughing at me through the glass of a two-sided mirror

Whatever it is, it's just sitting there laughing at me

And I just wanna scream

What now? I just can't figure it out

What now? I guess I'll just wait it out

What now? ohhhh what now?

I found the one he changed my life

But was it me that changed

And he just happened to come at the right time

I'm supposed to be in love

But i'm not mugging

Whatever it is, it feels like it's laughing at me through the glass of a two-sided mirror

Whatever it is, it's just sitting there laughing at me

And I just wanna scream

What now? I just can't figure it out

What now? I guess I'll just wait it out

What now? please tell me

What now?

There's no one to call cause im just playing games with them all

The most where im happy, the more that im feeling alone

Cause I spent every hour just going through the motions

I cant even get the emotions to come out

Dry as a bone, but I just wanna shout

What now? I just can't figure it out

What now? I guess I'll just wait it out

What now? somebody tell me

What now?

I dont know where to go

I dont know what to feel

I dont know how to cry

I dont know ow ow why

I dont know where to go

I dont know what to feel

I dont know how to cry

I dont know ow ow why

I dont know where to go

I dont know what to feel

I dont know how to cry

I dont know ow ow why

So what now?

What(90) Rihanna(83) Now(39)

