I know when he's been on your mind
That distant look is in your eyes
I thought with time you'd realize it's over, over
It's not the way I choose to live
And something somewhere's gotta give
As sharing in this relationship gets older, older
You know I'd fight for you but how could I fight someone who isn't even there
I've had the rest of you now I want the best of you I don't care if that's not fair
Cuz I want it all
Or nothing at all
There's nowhere left to fall
When you reach the bottom it's now or never
Is it all
Or are we just friends
Is this how it ends
With a simple telephone call
You leave me here with nothing at all
There are time it seems to me
I'm sharing you with memories
I feel it in my heart but I don't show it , show it
Then there's times you look at me
As though I'm all that you could see
Those times I don't believe it's right I know it , know it
Don't make me promises baby you never did know how to keep them well
I had the rest of you now I want the best of you it's time to show and tell
Cuz I want it all
Or nothing at all
There's nowhere left to fall
When you reach the bottom it's now or never
Is it all
Or are we just friends
Is this how it ends
With a simple telephone call
You leave me here with nothing at all
Cuz you and I
Could lose it all if you've got no more room
No more inside for me in your life
Cuz I want it all
Or Nothing at all
There's nowhere left to fall
It's now or never
Is it all
Or Nothing at all
When you reach the bottom it's now or never
Is it all
Or are we just friends
Is this how it ends
With a simple telephone call
You leave me here with nothing at all
There's nowhere left to fall
浴火成诗钢琴谱|烈火如歌电视剧片尾曲|不浴火 怎成诗
十六年钢琴谱 陈晓-这十六年我多想留在你身边
问明月钢琴谱 郁可唯-星星是天空那片海
夏至未至钢琴谱 胡夏|多少的执着输给了时间,多少的泪水流过了青春
烟雨蒙蒙钢琴谱 赵薇-春雨如丝,细雨蒙蒙
画沙钢琴谱 周杰伦 / 袁咏琳-一曲双词回忆杀
有一种爱叫做放手钢琴谱 阿木-我们相守若让你付出所有 让真爱带走我
气球钢琴谱 许哲佩-各种款式各种花色任你选择
Suspirium钢琴谱-Thom Yorke
Pink White钢琴谱-Frank Ocean
Benedictus钢琴谱-Karl Jenkins
Everything Stays钢琴谱-Rebecca Sugar
Green Hill Zone钢琴谱-中村正人
I Like You So Much Youll Know It钢琴谱-Ysabelle Cuevas
Eyes On Me钢琴谱-植松伸夫 王菲
Lavenders Blue钢琴谱-民谣