Put on my blue suede shoes
And I boarded the plane
Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues
In the middle of the pouring rain
W.C. Handy -- won't you look down over me
Yeah I got a first class ticket
But I'm as blue as a boy can be
Then I'm walking in Memphis
Walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale
Walking in Memphis
But do I really feel the way I feel
Saw the ghost of Elvis
On Union Avenue
Followed him up to the gates of Graceland
Then I watched him walk right through
Now security they did not see him
They just hovered 'round his tomb
But there's a pretty little thing
Waiting for the King
Down in the Jungle Room
Then I'm walking in Memphis
Walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale
Walking in Memphis
But do I really feel the way I feel
They've got catfish on the table
They've got gospel in the air
And Reverend Green be glad to see you
When you haven't got a prayer
But boy you've got a prayer in Memphis
Now Muriel plays piano
Every Friday at the Hollywood
And they brought me down to see her
And they asked me if I would --
Do a little number
And I sang with all my might
And she said --
"Tell me are you a Christian child?"
And I said "Ma'am I am tonight"
Then I'm walking in Memphis
Walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale
Walking in Memphis
But do I really feel the way I feel
Then I'm walking in Memphis
Walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale
Walking in Memphis
But do I really feel the way I feel
Put on my blue suede shoes
And I boarded the plane
Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues
In the middle of the pouring rain
Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues
In the middle of the pouring rain
白山茶钢琴谱 阿泱-世上再无白山茶,但花总有重开之日
我为自己代言钢琴谱 魏晨 梦想是注定孤独的旅行
Remember ME 请记得我钢琴谱-在爱的记忆消失前,请记住我
小酒窝钢琴谱 林俊杰--小酒窝长睫毛,是你最美的记号
爱如空气钢琴谱 孙俪-不懂珍惜思念会过期
典狱司钢琴谱 音频怪物-一曲戏腔惊艳了时光
卖报歌五线谱 不为人知的背后心酸故事
想念,想念你钢琴谱 黄致列 终会有个人陪你用余生暖一壶茶
如果时光倒流钢琴谱 汪苏泷-幸福是该向左还是向右
Suspirium钢琴谱-Thom Yorke
Pink White钢琴谱-Frank Ocean
Benedictus钢琴谱-Karl Jenkins
Everything Stays钢琴谱-Rebecca Sugar
Green Hill Zone钢琴谱-中村正人
I Like You So Much Youll Know It钢琴谱-Ysabelle Cuevas
Eyes On Me钢琴谱-植松伸夫 王菲
Lavenders Blue钢琴谱-民谣