
Bennie and the Jets钢琴谱-Elton John

2022-09-30 0

Bennie and the Jets是Elton John演唱的歌曲,收录在2017年11月10日发行的专辑《Goodbye Yellow Brick Road》中。

Elton John,英国歌手、曲作者、钢琴演奏者、演员、慈善家。被称作“乐坛的常青树”,屹立超过半个世纪而魅力依然。对于摇滚乐来讲,Elton John让钢琴这一古典乐器始终贯穿在自己的摇滚中,他让钢琴的表现力丝毫不逊色于吉他。他证明了钢琴除了能由于古典音乐和爵士音乐外,同样也可以摇滚起来。而英国有Elton John、美国有Billy Joel,更是钢琴摇滚世界里最美的佳话。

Bennie and the Jets歌词:

Hey kids shake it loose together

The spotlight's hitting something

That's been known to change the weather

We'll kill the fatted calf tonight

So stick around

You're gonna hear electric music

Solid walls of sound

Say Candy and Ronnie

Have you seen them yet

But they're so spaced out

Bennie and the Jets

Oh but they're weird

And they're wonderful

Oh Bennie she's really keen

She's got electric boots a mohair suit

You know I read it in a magazine

Bennie and the Jets

Hey kids plug into the faithless

Maybe they're blinded

But Bennie makes them ageless

We shall survive

Let us take ourselves along

Where we fight our parents out

In the streets

To find who's right and who's wrong

Say Candy and Ronnie

Have you seen them yet

But they're so spaced out

Bennie and the Jets

Oh but they're weird

And they're wonderful

Oh Bennie she's really keen

She's got electric boots a mohair suit

You know I read it in a magazine

Bennie and the Jets

Say Candy and Ronnie

Have you seen them yet

But they're so spaced out Bennie and the Jets

Oh but they're weird and they're wonderful

Oh Bennie she's really keen

She's got electric boots a mohair suit

You know I read it in a magazine

Bennie and the Jets

the(1665) and(240) John(186) Elton(37) Bennie(2) Jets(2)

