
Isn't She Lovely钢琴谱-Stevie Wonder

2022-10-16 5

是美国黑人歌手,作曲家Stevie Wonder演唱的歌曲。史提夫•汪达(Stevie Wonder),1950年5月13日出生,汽车城唱片旗下艺人,擅长多种乐器,如电子琴,钢琴等键盘乐器,口琴,鼓,吉他等。是一位唱乐皆精的全能艺人。

另外,Isn't She Lovely这首歌曲收录在其专辑Songs in the Key of Life中。此专辑发行于1976年,被许多人认为是他最杰出的作品,他为了筹划这张专辑共用了大约3年的时间。在专辑的录制过程中,他更是时常48小时呆在录音室,不吃也不睡,给他打工的弟兄们只能强打精神轮流伺候。Stevie对此的解释是,只要我的灵感喷出来了,我就得让它冲到顶峰才行,他的执着让人感动。而被他折腾得够呛的那些弟兄也应该感到欣慰,因为他们参与制作的确实是一张伟大的专辑,从编曲、旋律到演唱,都是绝对上乘的。

歌词下方是Isn't She Lovely钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。

Isn't She Lovely歌词:

Isn't she lovely

Isn't she wonderful

Isn't she precious

Less than one minute old

I never thought through love we'd be

Making one as lovely as she

But isn't she lovely made from love

Isn't she pretty

Truly the angel's best

Boy, I'm so happy

We have been heaven blessed

I can't believe what God has done

Through us he's given life to one

But isn't she lovely made from love

Isn't she lovely

Life and love are the same

Life is Aisha

The meaning of her name

Londie, it could have not been done

Without you who conceived the one

That's so very lovely made from love

She(64) Wonder(34) Stevie(13) Lovely(10) Isn&amp039t(3)

